1. Use the PTZ control to move the camera to the target position. 2. Press [SET PRESET] + Numeric button (0-9) to save the current position to this Preset number.
How can I reset the network settings to the default?
Please press the “[*]+[#]+[Manual]: Reset network to default.” from the IR Remote
How can I use one remote controller for multiple cameras?
1. Please assign the camera to the different IR Address via below special IR key, [*]+[#]+[F1]: Assign Camera to IR Address 1 [*]+[#]+[F2]: Assign Camera to IR Address 2[*]+[#]+[F3]: Assign Camera to IR Address 3 [*]+[#]+[F4]: Assign Camera to IR… Read More
How can I change the network settings from the IR remote?
Please use the IR special key as below, [#]+[*]+[4]: Set Network configuration to DHCP [*]+[#]+[Manual]: Reset network to default.